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Damn Docs........

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 9:27 pm
by ffuries
My Cardiologist put in an order for my normal labs (Non-Fasting), my new PCM put in for labs also (Fasting).

I didn't fast because my normal labs I do every 6 months are non-fasting labs, well after the blood vultures tried to draim me of all my yesterday, an interesting conversation took place.

Them: Did you fast
Me: No, why?
Them: Well some of your labs are fasting labs
Me: Didnt know, since my labs are normally non-fasting
Them: Well some are non-fasting, but some are fasting
Me: Well you have the non-fasting blood already, I'll fast tonight and do the fasting ones tomorrow
Them: OK, sounds good

Well the lab morons ran all the tests including the fasting ones on the non-fasting blood. Get emailed the results last night and I've now been diagnosed with diabetes. Called this morning and asked about the fasting blood test and all. Well it seems medicare only covers so many blood tests in x amount of months, so I would have to pay for the additional tests. So I would have to wait for like 3 months or so to get retested. Going to call the base on Tuesday and see if they'll do it instead.

So they screw up and now I'm listed as a diabetic, friggin morons.......

Another thing they also want to run a allergy test on me, well one of my meds would have to be discontinued for 3 days or so. This is a med I take for my heart, and one that I take an extra dosage of in the event I go into a-fib. Can't take the med with a allergy test cause it can kill me, stopping the med can have detrimental affects on me. I'll be talking to my Cardiologist about this on the 1st for his input. I'll have to weigh the consequences as to which is more important.

Tired of stupid mistakes made by morons turning my life into a nightmare. Thought of printing up targets with cartoon docs on them, and using them for target practice........

Re: Damn Docs........

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:34 am
by Junk Yard Dog
I am surprised they even had time to look at you with all the virus shit going on. How exactly does one fast and not fast at the same time? Do the Roman thing? Eat, then go puke it all up?

Re: Damn Docs........

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:25 am
by ffuries
Junk Yard Dog wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 2:34 am I am surprised they even had time to look at you with all the virus shit going on. How exactly does one fast and not fast at the same time? Do the Roman thing? Eat, then go puke it all up?
Two years ago the doc at Eglin AFB, had a full panel of bloodwork ran. When he put the order in he told me this. You're getting fasting and non-fasting bloodwork done. So get the non-fasting ones now, come back next week and do the fasting ones. That way we don't get skewed results.

Yeap I've seen my Audiologist, PCM, Neurologist, and my ENT in the last two weeks. I've got upcoming appointments with the Pulmonologist and Cardiologist. I had bloodwork, chest x-rays, and lumbar injections done. Plus I've got an upcoming CT scan and allergy test. All in the next two weeks.

They check your temperature going in, ask about whether you've been sick or knowingly exposed, been out of the country etc. Must wear a mask, and sanitize your hands before and after filling out your paperwork, or when touching anything.

Re: Damn Docs........

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:32 am
by Junk Yard Dog
Now they are saying 35% of people infected with Covid 19 are asymptomatic carriers who show no symptoms at all, including elevated temperature. Sounds like a huge hole in the defenses so watch your ass. Testing here turned up a number of active first responders who tested positive for Covid antibodies, they had no idea they had been infected and had been operating as normal, or as normal as can be with this shit going on. They wore PPE on the job, but that isn't 100% effective, and after work most of it comes off, and at home all of it comes off.