Hunting Log

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Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
26 August 2016
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi-clear
Clear skies, 88 degrees, waning crescent moon, occasional light breeze from the south.

7:15pm: 3x deer were observed moving southbound approximately 50 yards east of primary stand (a common deer trail). Probable 2x doe and possible 1x buck (wishful thinking); obscured by brush, fled when spooked, snorting and wheezing until out of earshot.

7:35pm - 7:40pm crows mobbing northeast of primary stand then settled down to roost; responded vocally to calls but did not come investigate.

Crows were conversational throughout time in stand. No other wildlife was observed. Woods were mostly still and quiet.

I plan to update this throughout the season. Join me of you want and share your observations.
Last edited by MeatMarket on Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Woods quiet and still? The woods around here are never quiet and still, if they are it's because something very large with many wicked sharp teeth and claws is lurking nearby and all the little critters have fled in terror. When I am alone in the woods and it suddenly goes all quiet and still that's when my brain, that deep instinctual part of the brain we all inherited from our cave man ancestors starts screaming that I am about to be in very deep shit and it's time to lock and load and become an instant track star.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Sonny »

Chicken season (grouse) opens sept. 1st

Deer and elk open sept. 17th

Moose on the 24th but I did not get my draw.. :vsad:

I'll hunt a bit but the older I get the higher the hills get..or they seem to.. :wink:
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

JYD, you must have been reading some H.P. Lovecraft stories. However, it was a little eerie. I had this feeling something was behind me several times.

Sonny, I'll try not to get old, but fortunately it's not a mountainous land here. I only wish we had elk on this side of the country.
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Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
29 August 2016
5:46 - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi-clear
Cloudy skies, 81 degrees, waning crescent moon
50% chance of rain. Light thunder in the distance. Rain clouds formed several miles out to the north, south, and west. Light breeze from the north and west.

I smell of sawdust.

Initial observations:
Few crows were active near my area and were in the distant northeast. The woods were lively with the tweets, chirps, and squawks of various other birds. A new garden spider in its web is discovered adjacent to my stand at eye level. We make eye contact and mutually agree to respect each other's territory.

6:05pm: Light rain begins; Cedar boughs overhead provide sufficient shelter. Does this mean it's 100% chance of rain now? Birdsong subsides, replaced by the hum of crickets and cicadas and the chatter of a solitary squirrel.

6:15pm: The rain stops. The distant crows become more talkative and move closer to my area. The cloud cover makes the woods dim. I feel comfortable. The squirrel goes away.

6:20pm: Mixed birdsong resumes, but of a more relaxed tempo. Possible light rustling of dead leaves are heard in direction of the east deer trail, no movement observed.

6:30pm: I break wind; the woods do not appear to notice.

6:53pm: An unknown creature emits a high-pitched banshee-like scream to the north.

7:00pm: I hear movement and scratching east of my stand near the deer trail, but see nothing.

7:05pm: terrific thunder and lighting erupt several miles to the east; light rain begins again. No change to wildlife activity.

7:20pm: More light movement heard near the east deer trail.

7:35pm: crows mobbing to the southeast.

7:50pm: A distinct doe wheezing is heard distant to the northeast. Something other than myself has caused her concern. It is now too dark to see well. The sunset casts a surreal amber hue to the woods as the sky begins to clear.

8:00pm: I leave the stand. Walking back to the house, I spy a large Barred Owl glide down and perch on an old post. I crouch to take pictures, but the light is almost too low. The owl then flies my direction and perches on a young pine above me. With his enormous wingspan, he is as silent as an assassin and completely unperturbed by my presence. He then floats overhead and perches on another post in my backyard. I walk around and to go inside and he looks at me with an expression that says, "whatchu lookin at?"

I saw no deer today, but just seeing some interesting wildlife makes it worth my time. Goodnight owl, and happy hunting.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

An owl woke me at around 3:45 this morning, I spotted a deer last night at dusk, probably 7:45 or so, it was eating not far from my door. Mother raccoon and her half grown babies paid me a visit around 10pm last night when they polished off the remaining cat food outside.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

Sounds like your cats aren't pulling their weight around there.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

No mice put in an appearance, and no mouse "seeds" found so they are doing OK except in one steel container I use for a workshed. For some reason they refuse to go in there and there is now a mouse taking refuge under my bench. It comes out, makes a noise and runs back under, saying hello I suppose. Nothing to eat in there except 100 year old gun and Victrola grease. The cat's treat that 'coon like just another funny looking cat, they let it eat right with them, the babies they sometimes have to smack around a little when they get out of line.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
31 August 2016
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi-clear

Partly cloudy, 88 degrees, light winds from the north and east, waning crescent moon, one day before new moon.

Initial observations: The wind is working with me today, if I stink, the deer shouldn't notice. Crickets and cicadas keeping a nice rhythm. Bluejays and Cardinals are fluttering about. A few crows are calling attention to themselves southeast of me.

6:15pm: The songbirds have moved on; I'm feeling a bit peckish.

6:20pm: I give in to the call of my chili cheese Fritos and munch them quietly in a tree. A pair of squirrels are playing tag nearby.

6:50pm: A handsome buck emerges from the east 75 yards north of my position. He is wary and flees silently back into the woods before I can reposition. I did get a glimpse at his antlers, and am pretty sure they're trophy worthy, but can't confirm it at this time. I hope to see him again.

7:20pm: Cardinals and other songbirds return to my area.

7:35pm: I hear distinct footsteps nearby to the northeast, in the direction of known bed-down areas, but nothing emerges to view. Heavy brush obscures my view in that direction.

I did not see the buck again or any other deer activity tonight, but I was happy to just get to see him. I'll try to go out again in the morning.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
1 September 2016
6:20am - 9:00am
Mixed deciduous forest, semi clear

Morning stars visible in the clear skies, 72 degrees, no wind. A new moon today.

Initial observations: I may have spooked a deer or other creature from its bed as I entered the woods. It's dark, the air is still, but filled with the sound of crickets and tree frogs.

6:33am: Dang, I left my coffee cup in the house.

6:45am: The crows are waking up. Light is still too low to see anything.

6:50am: Songbirds begin to sing. Crows are hollerin' at each other.

7:00am: I can see well now. I love the sounds of the woods in the morning. I hope to see some movement soon.

7:45am: Crows get more vocal and move closer to my area.

8:10am: Large group of crows fly overhead from south to north an begin mobbing in a nearby field. I practice my calls and curious crows return to investigate.

8:45am: I hear a possible wheeze or snort northeast of me; pretty sure it wasn't directed at me though.

9:00am: Time to go as I have other things I must do. Except for the possible spook when entering the woods earlier (it was too dark to see) no deer activity has been seen.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
1 September 2016
6:15pm - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi-clear.

Mostly cloudy, 86 degrees, light winds from the south and west. New moon tonight. May catch the edge of a hurricane tomorrow, probably get a lot of rain and nothing more.

I got home at 6:00pm, changed into my hunting garb and gear and got in the stand by 6:15pm (includes the time it took to check the mail).

Initial observations: The trees are finally beginning to defoliate in earnest. A few chirps and tweets of various birds are heard; very few and distant crows are also heard. Crickets are buzzing.

6:25pm: I hear distinct footsteps again to the east, but nothing emerges.

6:35pm: A squirrel does some treetop parkour. Another squirrel is seen pole dancing on an old oak. No crows are heard.

7:05pm: I hear a high pitched scream again, banshee-like, as I heard it a few nights ago; followed by an owl hooting north of me.

7:45pm: Another owl hoots northeast of me.

7:50pm: Two doe and a spotted fawn emerge from the west 75 yards north of me and begin to forage.

8:00pm: The deer move west again but are still nearby and have not noticed me. It's dark and time to climb down.

The doe snorted at me twice as I was leaving the woods, but did not run away. I hope they get a good nights rest.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Junk Yard Dog »

Everything is still green, hot and humid here, we will not start losing the leaves for at least another few weeks, maybe a month. I think I saw a puddy tat early this morning on the way in. Eye's that glittered in the headlights for a brief moment, then a shape zipping away across the lawn. This would be our bobcat, it puts in an appearance every now and then. It moves like a cat but larger shape than any house kitty. It would explain the sudden disappearance of the rabbits.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

We have bobcats out here too, wish I saw them more often though. Turns out Hermine is about to hit right over my place, fortunately its lost a lot of strength so I'm sure my house will still be there when I get home today, maybe in the morning the deer will be active.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
3 September 2016
6:30am - 9:00am
Mixed deciduous forest, semi clear

Clear skies, 63 degrees, almost no wind. Waxing crescent moon.

The cusp of dawn, lighter out than I expected; I should have gotten out here a half hour earlier. Hermine brought a lot of rain but caused no damage. The hollow is probably swamped out right now as it usually is after a heavy rain, I can hear the bullfrogs down there. The crows are up early too with some other birds, I hope the deer are this active.

6:50am: It is light enough to see now, and I didn't forget my coffee mug.

7:10am: A few fat squirrels are playing nearby. The woods are teeming with life this morning.

8:00am: Some movement is seen and hear directly northeast through the brush, but nothing emerges yet. The sun finally crests the treetops and the moisture begins to evaporate.

8:50am: I see a small doe walking north along the deer trail about 50 yards to the east. She stops to scratch herself then moves on.

No luck today. The woods were lively this morning, but I saw no other deer activity.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
12 September 2016
7:10am - 9:00am
Mixed deciduous forest, semi-clear

Mostly cloudy, 72 degrees, no winds. It rained last night and is expected to be overcast all day. The ground is soft and footsteps will be silent.

I overslept this morning but was able to get out here by 7:00. I wish I had more time to hunt. At least I have my coffee. The woods are lively with the sounds of crickets, distant crows, and other birds. My garden spider buddy is still suspended in the air beside my stand. She's getting bigger. I asked my 5yr old boy when he wants to start hunting and he replies, "maybe when I'm a big man cuz the grass will be too tall and tickle my legs right now".

7:55am: I heard a neighboring hunter fire a shot somewhere north of me.

9:00am: The clouds are parting for the sun. I have to go. The woods were active all morning but any deer moving around were moving elsewhere. Better luck next time.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by Longcolt44 »

Raid will handle that spider.
You need to get up earlier.
Buy the boy some long pants.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

Longcolt44 wrote:Raid will handle that spider.
You need to get up earlier.
Buy the boy some long pants.
Ha, he was making excuses, he's got pants. My finance's 5yr old girl is eager to start hunting though. Gotta get em started early. I just got in the stand and will post an update, whether I see anything or not.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
15 September 2016
4:45pm - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi clear.

Partly cloudy skies, 90 degrees, light breezes from the north and west, makes the trees sigh quietly. It is the last night before the full moon.

Initial observations: fairly quiet but there is some activity. The woods seem lazy this afternoon. A couple of squirrels are playing quietly nearby, a few crows sound off, the most prominent sound is the cicadas and they're pretty chill too. My spider neighbor has three acorns stuck in her web, she's nowhere to be seen, probably lurking right behind my head....nope. I've got a few hours to relax, hopefully something will mosey along my way.

5:30pm: Crows are moving in and making their noise. A woodpecker is hammering on a tree across the clearing. I hear them all the time here. If they're endangered they must all hiding around my place.

5:40pm: another woodpecker flew in and the two (both males) seemed to have an argument on who had jurisdiction of the grove. They don't seem to be very social. Other small birds have also arrived to the area and are going about their business.

6:24pm: A curios phenomenon. An (presumably) ice cream truck, jingling a tune somewhat resembling "the bridge on the River Kwai" just went down the highway, distorted by the Doppler effect. This is a very rural area, no actual neighborhoods anywhere around where you'd expect an ice cream truck to be.

6:40pm: I think I heard a snort off to the east, but don't think it was directed at me.

7:50pm: Well, now it's far too dark to see anymore and nothing else has happened. I'll have another go at it in the morning. It's been a nice evening.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
16 September 2016
6:00am - 9:00am
Mixed deciduous forest, semi clear

Clear skies, stars are bright. It's 70 degrees out with no wind. It's a full moon. The night was well illuminated earlier but the moon has lowered behind the treetops so this last hour before sunrise is pretty dark.

Initial observations: Crickets! Some frogs down in the hollow, everything else is silent. I have an hour before sunrise and I have my coffee.

6:15am: I hear a barred owl hooting off to the northeast.

6:45am: The crows are beginning to call.

6:50am: other woodland critters are waking up to start their day. It's just about light enough to see now.

6:57am: A strange sound is heard coming from the bed down areas to the northeast. Like a squeal or scream of something crying out in anger. Not a typical textbook sound.

7:05am: I think I definitely hear something walking around, if only the birds would shut up a minute so I can tune my ear into it.

7:15am: Several squirrels are running around

8:45am: It's a nice morning, light clouds, cool air. Wish I could stay out all day.

8:51am: I hear an odd wheedling sound and a snort like something clearing it's sinuses, could be a bird or a pig for all I know.

8:55am: I hear it again, it's s bird, trying to see what kind.

It's 9:00 am and I gotta go, hopefully I'll be able to get more free time this afternoon.
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Re: Hunting Log

Post by MeatMarket »

South Carolina
16 September 2016
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Mixed deciduous forest, semi clear

Partly cloudy skies, 86 degrees, light breeze from the north and west. Full moon tonight.

Initial observations: Atmosphere of the woods is normal. Angry crows north and east, cardinals flitting about.

Unrelated side note: I encountered a rat snake in my bedroom a couple days ago. I stepped right over him without seeing, then turned around and went "...!!!...". When I realized it was only the rat snake I knew lived around my house I said, "what are you doing in here?" He then sulkily slithered back behind the mantle into the balloon framed wall and back under the crawl space where he belongs. I guess he just wanted to say hi.

6:20pm-6:35pm: Two doe appear on the trail 50 yards east of me. They mill about a while then walk north toward known bed down areas.

7:00pm: Two doe and a spotted fawn emerge on the north end of the clearing 70 yards away and begin to feed. They came from the northeast bed down areas.

7:10pm: An owl hoots somewhere to the northeast, the deer are still there. I take a picture.

7:15pm: Something moving in the brush startle the deer momentarily, yet they remain.

7:20pm: I hear two distant gunshots to the northwest, the deer don't react; it probably sounds like distant thunder to them.

7:25pm: A third doe emerges to join the others.

7:40pm: It is official sundown and the deer are still there. No buck has yet come out.

7:45pm: I hear what sounds like a buck grunting, but can't be sure. The doe head back to the northeast bed down areas.

7:50pm: it's too dark to see anymore so I'll head down. I enjoyed watching the deer for 45 minutes.
I believe in the right to arm bears.
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